Linux Cubed Series 2: Applications
Linux Cubed Series 2 - Applications.iso
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* * Copyright (C) 1988, 1990 Stanford University. *
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* *********************************************************************
* The routines in this file handle network input (from sim files).
* The input routine "rd_network" replaces the work formerly done by presim.
* This version differs from the former in the following:
* 1. voltage drops across transistors are ignored (assumes transistors
* driven by nodes with voltage drops have the same resistance as those
* driven by a full swing).
* 2. static power calculations not performed (only useful for nmos anyhow).
#include <stdio.h>
#include "defs.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "net_macros.h"
#define LSIZE 2000 /* size for input line buffer */
#define MAXARGS 20 /* max. # of arguments per line */
public nptr VDD_node; /* power supply nodes */
public nptr GND_node;
public lptr on_trans; /* always on transistors */
public int nnodes; /* number of actual nodes */
public int naliases; /* number of aliased nodes */
public int ntrans[ NTTYPES ]; /* number of txtors indexed by type */
public lptr freeLinks = NULL; /* free list of Tlist structs */
public tptr freeTrans = NULL; /* free list of Transistor structs */
public nptr freeNodes = NULL; /* free list of Node structs */
public tptr tcap = NULL; /* list of capacitor-transistors */
private int lineno; /* current input file line number */
private char *simfname; /* current input filename */
private int nerrs = 0; /* # of erros found in sim file */
private int isBinFile; /* TRUE binary file, FALSE sim file */
private tptr rd_tlist; /* list of transistors just read */
#define MIN_CAP 0.0005 /* minimum node capacitance (in pf) */
#define WARNING 0
#define WARN 1
#define MAX_ERRS 20
#define FATAL (MAX_ERRS + 1)
private char bad_argc_msg[] = "Wrong number of args for '%c' (%d)\n";
#define BAD_ARGC( CMD, ARGC, ARGV ) \
{ \
error( simfname, lineno, bad_argc_msg, CMD, ARGC ); \
PrArgs( ARGC, ARGV ); \
CheckErrs( WARN ); \
return; \
} \
private void PrArgs( argc, argv )
int argc;
char *argv[];
while( argc-- != 0 )
(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s ", *argv++ );
(void) fputs( "\n", stderr );
private void CheckErrs( n )
nerrs += n;
if( nerrs > MAX_ERRS )
if( n != FATAL )
(void) fprintf( stderr, "Too many errors in sim file <%s>\n",
simfname );
exit( 1 );
* Traverse the transistor list and add the node connection-list. We have
* to be careful with ALIASed nodes. Note that transistors with source/drain
* connected VDD and GND nodes are not linked.
private nptr connect_txtors()
register tptr t, tnext;
register nptr gate, src, drn, nd_list;
register int type;
register long visited;
visited = VISITED;
nd_list = NULL;
for( t = rd_tlist; t != NULL; t = tnext )
tnext = t->scache.t;
for( gate = t->gate; gate->nflags & ALIAS; gate = gate->nlink);
for( src = t->source; src->nflags & ALIAS; src = src->nlink );
for( drn = t->drain; drn->nflags & ALIAS; drn = drn->nlink );
t->gate = gate;
t->source = src;
t->drain = drn;
type = t->ttype;
t->state = ( type & ALWAYSON ) ? WEAK : UNKNOWN;
t->tflags = 0;
ntrans[ type ]++;
if( src == drn or (src->nflags & drn->nflags & POWER_RAIL) )
t->ttype |= TCAP; /* transistor is just a capacitor */
/* do not connect gate if ALWAYSON since they do not matter */
if( t->ttype & ALWAYSON )
CONNECT( on_trans, t );
CONNECT( t->gate->ngate, t );
if( not (src->nflags & POWER_RAIL) )
CONNECT( src->nterm, t );
LINK_TO_LIST( src, nd_list, visited );
if( not (drn->nflags & POWER_RAIL) )
CONNECT( drn->nterm, t );
LINK_TO_LIST( drn, nd_list, visited );
return( nd_list );
* node area and perimeter info (N sim command).
private void node_info( targc, targv )
int targc;
char *targv[];
register nptr n;
if( targc != 8 )
BAD_ARGC( 'N', targc, targv );
n = GetNode( targv[1] );
n->ncap += atof( targv[4] ) * (CMA * LAMBDA2) +
atof( targv[5] ) * (CPA * LAMBDA2) +
atof( targv[6] ) * (CDA * LAMBDA2) +
atof( targv[7] ) * 2.0 * (CDP * LAMBDA);
* new format node area and perimeter info (M sim command).
private void nnode_info( targc, targv )
int targc;
char *targv[];
register nptr n;
if( targc != 14 )
BAD_ARGC( 'M', targc, targv );
n = GetNode( targv[1] );
n->ncap += atof( targv[4] ) * (CM2A * LAMBDA2) +
atof( targv[5] ) * 2.0 * (CM2P * LAMBDA) +
atof( targv[6] ) * (CMA * LAMBDA2) +
atof( targv[7] ) * 2.0 * (CMP * LAMBDA) +
atof( targv[8] ) * (CPA * LAMBDA2) +
atof( targv[9] ) * 2.0 * (CPP * LAMBDA) +
atof( targv[10] ) * (CDA * LAMBDA) +
atof( targv[11] ) * 2.0 * (CDP * LAMBDA) +
atof( targv[12] ) * (CPDA * LAMBDA2) +
atof( targv[13] ) * 2.0 * (CPDP * LAMBDA);
* new transistor. Implant specifies type.
* AreaPos specifies the argument number that contains the area (if any).
private void newtrans( implant, targc, targv )
int implant;
int targc;
char *targv[];
nptr gate, src, drn, ntemp;
long x, y, width, length;
double cap;
register tptr t;
if( implant == RESIST )
if( targc != 4 )
BAD_ARGC( 'r', targc, targv );
gate = VDD_node;
src = GetNode( targv[1] );
drn = GetNode( targv[2] );
length = atof( targv[3] ) * LAMBDACM;
width = 0;
if( targc < 4 or targc > 11 )
BAD_ARGC( targv[0][0], targc, targv );
gate = GetNode( targv[1] );
src = GetNode( targv[2] );
drn = GetNode( targv[3] );
if( targc > 5 )
length = atof( targv[4] ) * LAMBDACM;
width = atof( targv[5] ) * LAMBDACM;
if( width <= 0 or length <= 0 )
error( simfname, lineno,
"Bad transistor width=%g or length=%g\n", width, length );
if( targc > 7 )
x = atoi( targv[6] );
y = atoi( targv[7] );
width = length = 2 * LAMBDACM;
cap = length * width * CTGA;
NEW_TRANS( t ); /* create new transistor */
t->ttype = implant;
t->gate = gate;
t->source = src;
t->drain = drn;
if( targc > 7 )
t->x.pos = x;
t->y.pos = y;
EnterPos( t, TRUE ); /* Enter transistor position */
EnterPos( t, FALSE ); /* Enter transistor position */
t->scache.t = rd_tlist; /* link it to the list */
rd_tlist = t;
t->r = requiv( implant, width, length );
/* update node capacitances */
gate->ncap += cap;
if( config_flags & TDIFFCAP )
cap = CTDW * width + CTDE;
src->ncap += cap;
drn->ncap += cap;
* accept a bunch of aliases for a node (= sim command).
private void alias( targc, targv )
int targc;
char *targv[];
register nptr n, m;
register int i;
if( targc < 3 )
BAD_ARGC( '=', targc, targv );
n = GetNode( targv[1] );
for( i = 2; i < targc; i++ )
m = GetNode( targv[i] );
if( m == n )
if( m->nflags & POWER_RAIL )
SWAP_NODES( m, n );
if( m->nflags & POWER_RAIL )
error( simfname, lineno, "Can't alias the power supplies\n" );
n->ncap += m->ncap;
m->nlink = n;
m->nflags |= ALIAS;
m->ncap = 0.0;
* node threshold voltages (t sim command).
private void nthresh( targc, targv )
int targc;
char *targv[];
register nptr n;
if( targc != 4 )
BAD_ARGC( 't', targc, targv );
n = GetNode( targv[1] );
n->vlow = atof( targv[2] );
n->vhigh = atof( targv[3] );
* User delay for a node (D sim command).
private void ndelay( targc, targv )
int targc;
char *targv[];
register nptr n;
if( targc != 4 )
BAD_ARGC( 'D', targc, targv );
n = GetNode( targv[1] );
n->nflags |= USERDELAY;
n->tplh = ns2d( atof( targv[2] ) );
n->tphl = ns2d( atof( targv[3] ) );
* add capacitance to a node (c sim command).
private void ncap( targc, targv )
int targc;
char *targv[];
register nptr n, m;
float cap;
if( targc == 3 )
n = GetNode( targv[1] );
n->ncap += atof( targv[2] );
else if( targc == 4 ) /* two terminal caps */
cap = atof( targv[3] ) / 1000; /* ff to pf conversion */
n = GetNode( targv[1] );
m = GetNode( targv[2] );
if( n != m ) /* add cap to both nodes */
if( m != GND_node ) m->ncap += cap;
if( n != GND_node ) n->ncap += cap;
else if( n == GND_node ) /* same node, only GND makes sense */
n->ncap += cap;
BAD_ARGC( 'c', targc, targv );
* parse input line into tokens, filling up carg and setting targc
private int parse_line( line, carg )
register char *line;
register char **carg;
register char ch;
register int targc;
targc = 0;
while( ch = *line++ )
if( ch <= ' ' )
*carg++ = line - 1;
while( *line > ' ' )
if( *line )
*line++ = '\0';
*carg = 0;
return( targc );
private int R_error = FALSE;
private int A_error = FALSE;
private int input_sim( simfile )
char *simfile;
FILE *fin;
char line[LSIZE];
char *targv[MAXARGS]; /* tokens on current command line */
int targc; /* number of args on command line */
long offset; /* state of previously opened file */
int olineno;
if( (fin = fopen( simfile, "r" )) == NULL )
lprintf( stderr, "cannot open '%s' for sim input\n", simfile );
return( FALSE );
simfname = simfile;
lineno = 0;
while( fgetline( line, LSIZE, fin ) != NULL )
targc = parse_line( line, targv );
if( targv[0] == NULL )
switch( targv[0][0] )
case '@' :
if( targc != 2 )
error( simfname, lineno, bad_argc_msg, '@', targc );
CheckErrs( WARN );
offset = ftell( fin );
olineno = lineno;
(void) fclose( fin );
(void) input_sim( targv[1] );
if( (fin = fopen( simfile, "r" )) == NULL )
error( simfname, lineno, "can't re-open sim file '%s'\n",
simfile );
CheckErrs( WARN );
return( FALSE );
(void) fseek( fin, offset, 0 );
simfname = simfile;
lineno = olineno;
case '|' :
case 'e' :
case 'n' :
newtrans( NCHAN, targc, targv );
case 'p' :
newtrans( PCHAN, targc, targv );
case 'd' :
newtrans( DEP, targc, targv );
case 'r' :
newtrans( RESIST, targc, targv );
case 'N' :
node_info( targc, targv );
case 'M' :
nnode_info( targc, targv );
case 'c' :
case 'C' :
ncap( targc, targv );
case '=' :
alias( targc, targv );
case 't' :
nthresh( targc, targv );
case 'D' :
ndelay( targc, targv );
case 'R' :
if( not R_error ) /* only warn about this 1 time */
lprintf( stderr,
"%s: Ignoring lumped-resistance ('R' construct)\n",
simfname );
R_error = TRUE;
case 'A' :
if( not A_error ) /* only warn about this 1 time */
lprintf( stderr,
"%s: Ignoring attribute-line ('A' construct)\n",
simfname );
A_error = TRUE;
case '<' :
if( lineno == 1 and rd_netfile( fin, line ) )
(void) fclose( fin );
return( TRUE );
/* fall through if rd_netfile returns FALSE */
default :
error( simfname, lineno, "Unrecognized input line (%s)\n",
targv[0] );
CheckErrs( WARN );
(void) fclose( fin );
return( FALSE );
private void init_counts()
register int i;
for( i = 0; i < NTTYPES; i++ )
ntrans[i] = 0;
nnodes = naliases = 0;
public int rd_network( simfile )
char *simfile;
static int firstcall = 1;
if( firstcall )
rd_tlist = NULL;
VDD_node = GetNode( "Vdd" );
VDD_node->npot = HIGH;
VDD_node->nflags |= (INPUT | POWER_RAIL);
VDD_node->head.inp = 1;
VDD_node->head.val = HIGH;
VDD_node->head.punt = 0;
VDD_node->head.time = 0;
VDD_node->head.t.r.rtime = VDD_node->head.t.r.delay = 0;
VDD_node->head.next = last_hist;
VDD_node->curr = &(VDD_node->head);
GND_node = GetNode( "Gnd" );
GND_node->npot = LOW;
GND_node->nflags |= (INPUT | POWER_RAIL);
GND_node->head.inp = 1;
GND_node->head.val = LOW;
GND_node->head.punt = 0;
GND_node->head.time = 0;
GND_node->head.t.r.rtime = GND_node->head.t.r.delay = 0;
GND_node->head.next = last_hist;
GND_node->curr = &(GND_node->head);
NEW_TRANS( tcap );
tcap->scache.t = tcap->dcache.t = tcap;
tcap->x.pos = 0;
firstcall = 0;
nerrs = 0;
isBinFile = input_sim( simfile );
if( nerrs > 0 )
exit( 1 );
public void pTotalNodes()
lprintf( stdout, "%d nodes", nnodes );
if( naliases != 0 )
lprintf( stdout, ", %d aliases", naliases );
lprintf( stdout, "; " );
public void pTotalTxtors()
int i;
lprintf( stdout, "transistors:" );
for( i = 0; i < NTTYPES; i++ )
if( ntrans[i] != 0 )
lprintf( stdout, " %s=%d", ttype[i], ntrans[i] );
if( tcap->x.pos != 0 )
lprintf( stdout, " shorted=%d", tcap->x.pos );
lprintf( stdout, "\n" );
public void ConnectNetwork()
nptr ndlist;
ndlist = ( isBinFile ) ? bin_connect_txtors() : connect_txtors();
make_parallel( ndlist );
make_stacks( ndlist );